Home Forums The Japanese Language ください vs。 おねがいします

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    Can anyone please explain what is the difference between the two and when is appropriate to use each one of these? Are they even the same?

    おねがいします looks like a polite form and probably applies to more situations, but I have seen ください in formal sentences as well. So little bit confused.




    ください tends to be more “please do something for me”. It’s got more (and less) formal versions as well – the order is something like くれ -> くれませんか -> ください -> くださいませんか -> いだたけませんか

    おねがいします is just a more general “please”.



    Thanks Joel… That is exactly what I thought it is. But this morning, I was watching some NHK World and the TV show Japaneasy was on. The topic of the show was おねがいします。

    They have shown examples from ordering beer at the pub, buying bread, telling taxi driver where to go, asking for the bill. All with おねがいします。



    Oh very interesting! I was wondering why the Company’s CEO said, “Tasketekure! Tasketekure!” in Saleryman Man, but since “kure” is just a more casual “please” it makes more sense now.

    (this is the video I’m referring to in case anyone’s curious…also sorry but I blame Koichi-sensei for exposing me to the works of Takashi Taniguchi)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  Adam.


    Aye, I had a similar eureka moment when I learnt that くれ is a more casual version of ください. =)

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