
on’yomi kun’yomi Radicals
にゅう はい.る, い.れる

Meaning: Enter

The kanji and the radical are the same, so remembering the meaning of this kanji is as simple as making sure you know the radical for enter first!

Make sure you know those radicals, yo!

Reading: にゅう

Turns out, after you Enter the Teepee, you’re given a new (にゅう) car!

Imagine lights turning on and flashing, and an entire audience inside. You’re at a gameshow, and the announcer announces the neeeeew car in his announcey voice.


Learn the meanings of these words before moving on – the readings will come later, with time, though you can take a shot at those too, if you’d like.

a 入る(はいる)= To enter

  • Meaning: This is essentially the same meaning as the kanji itself, though it’s verb form (which is why it has the “to”). You might not know what a verb is like yet, but one way to know is if a word starts with a kanji and ends with an う sound (る included). If it does, then most likely (though not always) it’s a verb, so you need to add the word “to” to it.
  • Reading: What do you say when you enter a room? You say “Hi” – the reading for the 入 part is はい, and then you just attach the る.

a 入れる(いれる)= To put in, to insert

  • Meaning: This is similar to entering, but you’re the one doing the action. You’re putting something inside something else, or inserting something. Without knowing how verbs work, this vocab might be harder to learn since you don’t know the patterns yet. But, if you know 入る, and you see 入れる, you can know that the one with more hiragana attached to it.
  • Reading: This is the other kun’yomi reading. I’d suggest spending a few moments trying to memorize it the best you can now, and then when you come back to it in your flashcards you’ll partly know it (and be able to learn it from there).

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