Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Kanji the Textfugu Way

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Michael Lowrey 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    Learning Kanji the way Textfugu does it has been enormously helpful. Placing the different readings + a few vocab for them I think helps solidify them in memory. Unfortunately, I’m going to be reaching the end of the Kanji here soon; so I was wondering if there is another site/resource that teaches you Kanji in a similar manner?
    I started going through RTK as well but I don’t want that to be my main tool in learning Kanji.



    There’s Wakinaki which is also made by the Textfugu crew. It has a lot of Kanji from here but I’m not sure how many are new. Its kind of like Anki but built(SRS) in with lessons in similar style to textfugu and reviews where you gotta type down the answers. (Textfugu members could enter beta, but not sure if you still can http://www.wanikani.com/).



    The WaniKani beta is still open to TF members http://www.wanikani.com/signup?utm_source=textfugu&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=dashboard

    Aside from WaniKani, there’s https://www.readthekanji.com/ and I guess http://iknow.jp/ should be included although it’s not a dedicated Kanji learning tool. You will see lots of Kanji in their Core 6k series though.



    http:/iknow.jp or http://readthekanji.com

    The latter focuses on kanji, both seem more beneficial than Wanikani to me.

    edit: ooooer, beaten

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by  Luke.


    You could try Wanikani, there’s like 5 times the kanji there compared to here.



    Looking at the amount of kanji here. How much are you on your way of understanding the whole package when you finish all of the kanji here? ^^

    edit: well, with whole package I mean being able to handle yourself in a, for example, say newspaper?

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by  Teddy.


    Well, I’m pretty much done at this point except for the last set which I’ve been holding off on until the decks are released…I haven’t checked in awhile. Maybe they are already? I can’t find the downloads page anymore with the new layout.

    Even so, I’m certainly no master at the kanji here and it will take a lot more Anki reps and immersion before that will happen. As for newspapers, I’ve always heard that the bare minimum to be able to read those is around 1000 kanji which is more than what is available here. Not ready for that yet!

    I’m testing readthekanji.com, reading RTK and picking up new vocab so I should get there eventually. Thanks for all the suggestions!


    http://Www.kanjidamage.com is very similar to the kanji here and is geared toward real life use rather than just learning all aorts of useless, as in not often useful, kanji. Some of the mneumonics are not the best but I havent really used it much past the first 15 or so.

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