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    I took a look around and haven’t seen this asked yet so…

    Does anyone have some great places to shop for their ‘Japanese’ stuff?

    I’ve been using play-asia.com for my games when need be (some things aren’t sold around here) and FlutterScape.com for some others (who knew KitKat came in so many different flavours) but really I don’t know what else is out there, or any good to shop at. I haven’t tried amazon.co.jp but I understand that they ship internationally.

    What places would you recommend?


    Yuuma Sansei

    Since I live in an area with a decent Japanese-American population (nothing like areas on the east or west coast mind you), I quite often am able to get stuff (mostly food) at a locally run shop. When I can’t get something there however, I quite often go to jlist.com for things. If you prefer not to see the *ahem* ecchi side of Japanese things, you might prefer the sister site jbox.com for what you are trying to find.



    I usually go to jlist for most anything. Been wanting to try amazon.co.jp, but I can’t figure out how to use it. Play-asia for games, as mentioned (though expensive), and I use amiami (as well as HLJ and 1999.co.jp) if I want to buy figures and other anime this-and-that. I think Rakuten ships overseas as well (not 100% sure on that).

    That said, I don’t actually *buy* anything from those sites, because I’m pretty much broke. :|

    As far as food goes, I got a local source (which in my area is a miracle of a godsend).



    jbox.com is OK. The selection isn’t as great as flutterscape but it is definitely reliable and worth a look.



    Hmm, let’s see….I’ve pretty much shopped at some of the places above, and I can add some more to the list.

    For books or magazines, I go to Kinokuniya or yesasia. For skin care/cosmetics/hair products I go to ichibankao or imomoko. For neat keychains or novelty stuff like a godzilla watergun shooting game, I’d go to strapya. I’ve heard of Rakuten for clothes and such, but I have yet to shop there.


    Ian Smith

    Rakuten! Otherwise in person: Kinokuniya, BookOff, Mitsuwa Marketplace, Zakka, and the various grocery stores (Sunrise, M2M primarily).

    Edit: Coincidentally, while browsing something completely unrelated I stumbled upon an ad for this: http://whiterabbitexpress.com/ Might be handy!

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  Ian Smith.


    BK1 if you want to get books at best prices. However it is all in Japanese, so if you can’t read it, screw spending time on shopping and keep studying!



    Definitely BK1 for books and manga.


    Yuuma Sansei

    I think I’ve used Rakuten as well. If I recall correctly, I got my kaku obi for my yukata there.

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