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This topic contains 76 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  MisterM2402 [Michael] 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    another cat video… I swear these things fuel youtube







    Me and a friend put together an anki subs2srs deck with images and audio from the movie The Borrower Arrietty, the new studio ghibli movie. We transcribed 776 Japanese subs so we could import it into subs2srs.

    If you don’t know what subs2srs is, its a program that takes sub files from a movie and extras each line and makes an anki deck from it. It then lines up the subtittle with the image/movie/sound so when you get the card it plays the movie/sound.

    Because the English subs don’t actually match the Japanese meanings directly I’ve made it a listening deck, and ive turned on typing answers so I can check myself against it. Really liking it so far.


    You can find a lot of pre-made subs2srs decks here. http://rtk.wikia.com/wiki/Subs2SRS

    If theres enough interest, perhaps I’ll make a thread about it.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  Sheepy.


    I’ve been away from the internet for a few days and will be off for a couple more. My mom is getting married today!

    I’m going to have a ton of SRS reviews to do when my family leaves on Tuesday…

    Hopefully everyone is having an awesome day/weekend/week!


    Was playing Team Fortress 2 and this guy joined with the Steam name “Sonbu[軽/暗]” – I assume he was trying to mean “[light/dark]“, but he used the kanji for “light” as in weight rather than brightness XD




    ^ PLEASE tell me that it’s loads of different kanji put together…



    It’s the Chinese kanji for biangbiang noodles. It isn’t used in Japanese, so no need to worry about writing it ;)

    However Japanese does have: http://akitakan.com/kanima.php?code=3209&jis=jis2

    Which is perhaps worse due to the lack of symmetry. Very rare though.



    At least it’s rare…

    That’s even more of a nightmare than the one Sheepy posted!



    Oh yeah you don’t ever have to worry about it. Even Chinese people don’t because likely the store just invented the kanji but the story is that it came from Li Si dynasty or something lol


    Any of you seen Tofugu’s latest video “How To Learn Japanese? JFDI”? He says at the end of it for everyone to go away and learn one thing Japanese-related and tell everyone in the comments. I look down and one of the comments is

    koneko wa kawaii desu ne!

    That’s like… the exact OPPOSITE… of what people should be learning…



    dammit guys i woke up….and its like midnight. wtf



    this place looks tastey and is the only authentic ramen house in my state… MUST TRY NOODLE


    looks sooo good. I just ate and I’m already hungry. want to try the entire menu.



    So…nashi are coming back! For those of you who don’t know, food in Japan is very seasonal. Maybe it’s just because I live out in the country though. In America I was used to getting whatever I wanted at any time of year. That’s not the case here, fall is coming, and with it come the 20th Century Pears!

    EDIT: I just found this http://www.tottoripears.com/

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 4 months ago by  thisiskyle.


    so i listened to a bunch of korean speaking stuff on youtube for the hell of it. then when i tried to re imagine japanese in the head afterwards, it became very vague and that really scared me. it was really weird, it was like exposing myself to smoke and then listening to japanese was clean air (not trying to say that korean is dirty or anything, just saying thats what it felt like).

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