Home Forums TextFugu We have a textfugu TEAMSPEAK server btw

This topic contains 124 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  kairu-kun1127 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #45935

    Jason Combs

    Sorry if people on the American side of the pond finds an empty team speak. We dont have much of a presence. It is more european at this time. But that will change.



    Server is down? o_o



    yeah I think it is T-T



    Hey Guys, do somebody does still uses the teamspeak servers?
    I haven’t tried in a long long time, today I see there is no people connected if somebody may tell me what time do you connect, then it might be great.




    Teamspeak has been mostly non-textfugu for a couple years but no one will delete this post…



    well I’m back on Textfugu.

    so I’m going to try and be on the Teamspeak all the time
    Like 1pm to 8pm Cest (Central Eastern Standard Time)

    If anyone wants to go on the Teamspeak I’ll probably be there (starting 10/11/2014 (Not american Date) )

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Rainydays.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Rainydays.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Rainydays.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Rainydays. Reason: Soo many edits (sorry)

    I wanna now if this post still able.. I am willing to participate of the next encounter, but my Pc said that this page doesnt exist anymore



    Hi Natan,

    I can let my computer connected to teamspeake server, if we meet there we can talk, about some japanese stuff. I’m still able to enter the room, the pass is boundforTokyo.

    See you then

    by the way I’m rakame in teamspeake



    Konbanwa! Um, first post in the forums… I’m actually using an iPad.. I can’t really join in with much using just my iPad right.. I don’t think so myself, so I’m not going to be dissapointed either way, but it’s worth the ask. If I need a computer then I guess socialising will wait :)



    Haha finally got this to work.

    Jo, there is a TeamSpeak app on the App Store, but it costs like $5



    Hey, I am on if anyone is interested in jumping on. Just relaxing, listening to music, and knocking out this huge Anki list that I have neglected!


    Is this still active…?


    Hi! Do people still use this teamspeak server?



    I just joined basically like today. And noticed you guys have a ts server but from the 8 pages of posts it seems like not maintained at all. Is it running still? If not and if you need a ts server. I can lend you guys to use my personal one. As I know learning by listening and communicating with others can be a key point for learning a foreign language in the later years. At the moment I do have a personal TS server, it’s multipurpose so its at the moment a No Topic Ts server. It’s a dedicated 128 slot server.

    I’m only offering to do this because of I’ve seen how the first few pages were great then it took a dark turn for the worse.


    How does this team speak thing work? Do I just type in the ip?

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 125 total)

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