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  • in reply to: Anki importing media #46399


    Every time I import new cards into Anki, I import them into a new deck. Then after they are imported, I select “Browse” I select all of the cards I just imported and I choose “Change Deck” and move them into whatever deck I want. The audio files always move with it. So I’ve never imported cards directly into an existing deck, but I’ve never had problems with the audio files. So maybe the extra minute it takes to manually move the cards is worth it.

    Hope this helps!

    in reply to: Tofugu/Textfugu Sightings! #46210


    I want the mug that the girl on the first “page” of this textbook is using…you know… the girl self-studying…

    in reply to: Common Errors in TextFugu #46209


    Thanks! I must’ve slept through that lesson…but it’s all coming back now :)

    in reply to: Common Errors in TextFugu #46207


    Another question on Season 5 Chapter 7 page 7:

    I need some help understanding the grammer in the following sentance, specifically the particle usage.

    えいご だったら かんたん に わかります

    かんたん is an adjective right? … I’m assuming a な- adjective and it’s being used to describe how he’ll understand. Why is the particle に used between the adjective and verb in this case? I’m not following the grammer.

    in reply to: Common Errors in TextFugu #46141


    Season 5, Chapter 7, page 7. Is there an error in the following sentence…
    If we go to see a movie, I want to go to “Cineplex.”
    えいが を み に いきたかったら ”Cineplex” に いきたい です。

    I thought the ta-form of to-go いく is いった ? So should the first verb in this sentence read
    いったら? Or am I missing something?

    in reply to: Looking for a Workbook #46020


    I am using TextFugu in combination with Minna no Nihongo (2 books: the Main Text, which is in Japanese only, the Translation and Grammer notes in English and the audio cds) and I think the two complement each other very well.

    I find that the explanations of grammer points in TextFugu are better, while Minna no Nihongo is much better at introducing the practical things I need to say while living in Japan. Minna no Nihongo spends much more time explaining the appropriate phrasing of questions and the appropriate responses..aka…how to be polite..the things you’re parents/teachers/guardians taught to say (in your native language) growing up…the things you have to learn for interacting with the general public. I find it incredibly useful daily life in Japan, but many times I am turning to Textfugu for vocab-learning, to clarify explanations of grammer rules, and to keep my interest up.

    Minna no Nihongo could be used as a workbook because it has questions to test listening (using the cds) and reading coprehension at the end of each lesson. I’m currently using it for my once a week language class (we cover a chapter a week)…but I think it could be used on it’s own outside of a class as long as you have all three components: the textbook, the translation notes (because the text is only in hiragana) and the audio cds.

    in reply to: Which Anki Deck(s) am I supposed to be using? #46019


    I also got pretty confused about what to do with the Ultimate decks. Up to Season 5, I had been just downloading the smaller UntimateVocab decks in the order they were presented, as the chapters progressed, however I seemed to be missing… Verbs…when dictionary form and ta-form verbs are first introduced, all the sudden there were all these verbs being used to teach new grammer rules that I had NEVER seen while staying up to date on all of my Anki reviews. Where are all these verbs coming from?!! Then I realized, I was never prompted to download the Ultimate Verbs deck (2,000+ cards) within the chapter text. So i just did it anyways, downloaded the gigantic deck…now I see where these verbs are coming from and I have A LOT of catching up to do on Vocab :/ I think this may have been an oversight on TextFugu’s part….shouldn’t these verbs have integrated into and slowly introduced in the smaller UltimateVocab decks #1,2,3,4,5 etc….as the nouns and adjectives were? Just a thought…


    Been in Japan for five months now…I’m deep in the middle of Season 4…adverbs….not sure I’ll ever get out ;) I’m recently made it to Level 4 in WaniKani and Chapter 12 of Minna no Nihongo. I suppose there’s nowhere to go except onward…


    I use my android phone to read TextFugu all the time and it works just fine…I use it to study at coffee shops and also for passing the time on trains while getting around in Japan. I also study my Anki decks from it and just mute the volume if I’m in public.

    in reply to: Typing Japanese #43683


    Thanks guys!

    I’m using the Windows 7 OS and for the keyboard settings I added the Japanese keyboard….but only after I switched it to the Japanese – Windows IME keyboard was I able to switch between katakana and hiragana.

    Yes, I did hear back from Koichi on the issue of uploading new cards to Anki from the iPad and the short answer was that no, this capability is not available yet…you HAVE to add the cards from a desktop and THEN you can sync to all of your mobile devices. That didn’t help me much until I eventually received my desktop (which was stuck in my air shipment during my move to Japan) and now I’m back in business on Anki. It definitely would make things easier to be able to add new flash cards on the go though.

    in reply to: Anki for iPad #42686


    Yes, I’m able to sync the cards on my phone, iPad and desktop computer. I started using Anki with the desktop version only and then found it more convenient to study my cards on my mobile devices while continuing to use my desktop exclusively for downloading new cards. However, I moved to Japan this week and now my desktop computer is stuck in my air shipment for a few weeks and all I have is my iPad with access to wifi.

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