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Well, that’s what happens when a website gets abandoned by it’s creators.
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comYou could watch it with but it’s 30$ a month.
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comSharing is great yeah, otherwise I wouldn’t have found the things that work for me (for the moment at least since that might change). But people shouldn’t make it sound like their way is the ultimate way to learn :x
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comIt’s not a race to see who can master japanese more quickly. Your way would likely never work for me but I do great with methods like linq along with RTK. What bugs me is that every person that can speak japanese always seems to know what’s the best way to learn the language. Only few seem to understand that what for you worked doesn’t have to work for me. In the end all these tips and tricks are junk and I need to figure out my own way.
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comTextfugu is kinda dead yeah. Fin, as someone that has done textfugu and genki 1, which goes further? Kinda looking for where I’m gonna go once I’m done with textfugu.
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comFunny because after Japan, Sweden would be the country I’d want to live in.
Anyways, welcome to textfugu and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Or how Nasura would say, feel free to join the teamspeak, ask your question and stay forever.http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comWell it’s gotten somewhat lively. Someone’s almost always online (European time)
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comThat’s the thing. RTK isn’t supposed to teach you anything but kanji+meaning. The readings have to be studied afterwards but it’s much easier to do when you’re not distracted by complicated kanji you can’t recognize. RTK is slower at first but it builds a really good foundation for future learning. I don’t think RTK is any slower, just different.
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comYou might want to try the heising method then. It will have you learn the meanings first and afterwards yoiu can learn the readings and the vocab. Personally I find it too much to learn kun, on, the meaning and the kanji all at the same time. It’s just demotivating and painfully slow.
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comAnki for the PC is free. Beat me why it has such an ridiculous pricetag on the Ios version but I use it without any cost.
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comWhy hello there. Apparently it works just perfectly.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comPersonally I see neither the need for this nor do I see a reason for it to not be on this. The problem seems to be that this is a smartphone app and anki is for PC. Since many people (like myself) study on the PC and only study on the smartphone when on the go, it doesn’t seem to be worth the extra work. Though maybe someone’s bored and will get to it, who knows.
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comHow do you all get a Job there that easily? :x
Anyways, welcome and good luck with your studies.
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comWelcome back to textfugu. Enjoy your study.
PS: I’ll add you on steam
http://bakagaijinlog.wordpress.comWelcome to textfugu.
If you have any questions feel free to ask :)
Good luck with your studies. -
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by