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  • in reply to: これ、それ and あれ in Season 3,9-4 #42315


    I thought it was proximity, but possession is the way is how the Lesson explained it. I think I’ll ask over at WK see what they think about the sentence..

    in reply to: "R" for a British English speaker #42298


    This is why I’m considering getting a tutor for a short while. You can find some ads on Gumtree or at Tutor Hunt, to name a couple. Prices vary from £15-$35 per hour. Personally I think it’s worth paying a little to get the pronunciation right at the beginning.

    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #42297


    So true Aikibujin, if I relied on Anki I would be so confused, I really don’t like the way the TF decks are set out. I’ve organized them as per your post, which helps a bit but Anki is already complaining that I have to many decks and I’ve only just started Season 3!. I’m really starting to hate Anki, it’s so clunky and unappealing to look at. I might even write my own SRS… I like the concept of batches of lessons, like in WK and Memrise, before testing.

    This is why WK is my primary source for Kanji & Vocab, the others can then strengthen my learning and supplement with a few extra K & V which I can cope with.

    So yeah, I think it would be very beneficial for you to not worry too much about getting the vocab solid and instead focus on the grammar and usage rules. Once you are comfortable with creating any sentences you want, you can then expand your vocabulary, which will continue even after you are considered fluent anyway.

    I’m finding already, with what little grammar I have, that my K/V retention is improving as I am using it in a context, and in turn that is strengthening retention. It’s like a “vicious circle” the grammar and the vocab are chasing and feeding each other :) So I’m getting hungrier for more grammar, that’s why I started the Tae Kim course as well.

    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #42293


    As for learning them two different ways when using WaniKani in conjunction with other stuff, I actually find that really beneficial. Something really clicks in my brain when I see something on WaniKani that I already knew the spoken word of, or sort-of knew. Kinda like when you’re familiar with certain words from songs, games, anime etc. but learning it in WaniKani gives you a fuller picture, and a deeper understanding of those words. I like that feeling a lot!

    Indeed. So far TF has been behind WK for me, so almost all the vocab on TF I’ve already learnt or know of it. When I “re-meet” it on TF I get that feeling of familiarity and a little boost in confidence. I’m a big believer in learning from multiple sources, especially when it comes to the ‘net, as no one source is perfect and each source brings something different to the table. At the moment I’m doing:

    Textfugu and it’s Anki decks
    Memrise: Tae Kim Grammar course
    Japanese From Zero (Book)
    and I’m thinking of getting a tutor, an hour a week, to help me with pronunciation, conversation and reading.

    So far, it’s working for me each source is reinforcing the others. The variety of styles are also helping my memory as usually it is crap.

    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #42279


    I tried to remember on/kun, but when either reading could have multiple English words and multiple Japanese words and then when used in vocab the Japanese is further modified my brain went into meltdown…

    So far my level 1 radicals are in Master and Kanji have started to trickle into Master since Sunday. There’s 17 vocab in Apprentice and everything else is in Guru. Reviews are still slow, like maybe 3-4 a day and most of then are just for one item, with the occasional review for at most 5 items.

    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #42265


    Well… I finished Level 2 last nite :) I feel like I’ve learnt a lot.. I have become a lot more comfortable/fluid in reading the Hiragana and I’m adding in the Kanji wherever possible. Despite already being on Wanikani (level 2 done, will join this weekend) I am still learning the Kanji and vocab here as it is a good reinforcement of the WK learning, but I don’t know how long that will continue. Never did make the “passion list” as computing and web design are my passions and most of the vocab is Katakana with some weird/drunken pronunciations ;)

    About the hardest thing I have found is connected to numbers, counting things and people – the exceptions get me, so I’ve made an Anki deck just for that. Pronunciation is also a little tricky eg:
    From the supplied Anki decks
    りんご : I want to say “ringo” but it sounds like “dingo”
    つくえ : I want to say “tsukue” but it sounds like “skue”
    It seems like whenever つ, す or く are followed by a constanant the “u” is silent most of the time.

    But overall I’m feeling good about this course, I’m just itching to get to the verbs. Most days I watch a film/program in Japanese with no subtitles and I’m trying to read a manga called トラえもんプラス but a lot of it is still just a string of kana and kanji with the odd word popping out here and there. Still, I can gauge my development by how much is recognizable/understood.

    Here goes Season 3 :)

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #42226


    Good to know, thanks Joel. I hear そうですね quite a lot in films and dramas and not knowing Japanese, but from the context of the situation I thought it meant something like “Yeah, that’s right”. This is my first attempt at actually learning Japanese after many years of procrastination. Currently, I just started Lesson 6 of season 2 ( the は particle ) and I don’t read ahead, so I haven’t met ね yet ;)

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #42220


    hey.. that’s good. Thx Joel. I noticed you put a よ on the end, is that like an American yo, and if so is it a way of making the phrase a little more casual?

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #42210


    Does that mean I could replace the noun with そう in the other three noun endings like:

    はいそうでした for “Yes, it was”,
    いいえそうじゃありません for “No, it isn’t” and
    いいえそうじゃありませんでした for “No, it wasn’t”

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #42208


    Okay, I’ve finished Lesson 5 in Season 2 and have a question. In English we could have a “conversation” like:
    Me: “Is it a ball?”
    You “Yes it is.”
    In Japanese:
    Me: “たまですか”
    You: “はいです”

    Yeah, I realize the reply is wrong because です is a noun ending and there isn’t a noun in the reply. As Japanese likes to leave out seemingly whatever it can and it’s context driven, how or even can you say such a thing?

    in reply to: Hi from London #42206


    Hi and thx Aikibujin. I had already found the anki thread as this is the first time I used it and saw the version difference. The other will hopefully be useful as I do have a grammar query already, but not sure it will be answered as these forums look almost dead at just a couple of post per day :(

    in reply to: Textfugu + Wanikani = ? #42197


    I joined at the beginning of October. I got the same message as you and then about 5-6 days later I got the invite, so by now you should have too.

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